Patching sources of dependency crates

Sometimes it is useful to patch the sources of dependency crates without needing to wait for an upstream release to include a necessary change, or without needing to use a custom git fork.

The vendorCargoDeps, vendorCargoRegistries, vendorGitDeps, and vendorMultipleCargoDeps APIs support arbitrary overrides (i.e. patching) at the individual crate/repo level when vendoring sources. Checkout their respective API documentation for more details, but below is a short quick start example:

  baseArgs = {
    src = craneLib.cleanCargoSource ./.;

  isNumCpusRepo = p: lib.hasPrefix
  isTag1_13_1 = p: lib.hasInfix

  cargoVendorDir = craneLib.vendorCargoDeps (baseArgs // {
    # Use this function to override crates coming from git dependencies
    overrideVendorGitCheckout = ps: drv:
      # For example, patch a specific repository and tag, in this case num_cpus-1.13.1
      if lib.any (p: (isNumCpusRepo p) && (isTag1_13_1 p)) ps then
        drv.overrideAttrs (_old: {
          # Specifying an arbitrary patch to apply
          patches = [

          # Similarly we can also run additional hooks to make changes
          postPatch = ''
            echo running some arbitrary command to make modifications
        # Nothing to change, leave the derivations as is

    # Use this function to override crates coming from any registry checkout
    overrideVendorCargoPackage = p: drv:
      # For example, patch a specific crate, in this case byteorder-1.5.0
      if == "byteorder" && p.version == "1.5.0" then
        drv.overrideAttrs (_old: {
          # Specifying an arbitrary patch to apply
          patches = [

          # Similarly we can also run additional hooks to make changes
          postPatch = ''
            echo running some arbitrary command to make modifications
        # Nothing to change, leave the derivations as is

  commonArgs = baseArgs // {
    inherit cargoVendorDir;
craneLib.buildPackage commonArgs