To build a cargo project which depends on the SQLx crate, run the following in a fresh directory:
nix flake init -t github:ipetkov/crane#sqlx
Alternatively, if you have an existing project already, copy and paste the
following flake.nix
description = "Build a cargo project which uses SQLx";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
crane.url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, crane, flake-utils, ... }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
inherit (pkgs) lib;
craneLib = crane.mkLib pkgs;
sqlFilter = path: _type: null != builtins.match ".*sql$" path;
sqlOrCargo = path: type: (sqlFilter path type) || (craneLib.filterCargoSources path type);
src = lib.cleanSourceWith {
src = ./.; # The original, unfiltered source
filter = sqlOrCargo;
name = "source"; # Be reproducible, regardless of the directory name
# Common arguments can be set here to avoid repeating them later
commonArgs = {
inherit src;
strictDeps = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildInputs = [
# Add additional build inputs here
] ++ lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin [
# Additional darwin specific inputs can be set here
# Additional environment variables can be set directly
# MY_CUSTOM_VAR = "some value";
# Build *just* the cargo dependencies, so we can reuse
# all of that work (e.g. via cachix) when running in CI
cargoArtifacts = craneLib.buildDepsOnly commonArgs;
# Build the actual crate itself, reusing the dependency
# artifacts from above.
my-crate = craneLib.buildPackage (commonArgs // {
inherit cargoArtifacts;
nativeBuildInputs = (commonArgs.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]) ++ [
preBuild = ''
export DATABASE_URL=sqlite:./db.sqlite3
sqlx database create
sqlx migrate run
checks = {
# Build the crate as part of `nix flake check` for convenience
inherit my-crate;
packages = {
default = my-crate;
inherit my-crate;
devShells.default = craneLib.devShell {
# Inherit inputs from checks.
checks = self.checks.${system};
# Additional dev-shell environment variables can be set directly
# MY_CUSTOM_DEVELOPMENT_VAR = "something else";
# Extra inputs can be added here; cargo and rustc are provided by default.
packages = [